Silent Hill 2 offers six languages by default: Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. To play in a language not offered by the game, you will need to download a fan-made translation pack which will replace one of these languages. This page offers translation packs to experience Silent Hill 2 in additional languages.
Install Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition before using any of the language packs offered on this page.
Only download the language pack you need. Using multiple language packs will likely result in text display issues.
The language packs offered on this page...
Are fan-made. Translation accuracy is not checked or assured by the Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition team.
Only translate menu and subtitle text. The language packs do not translate audio or images.
To download and use these language packs, read the notes above, then click the "I Understand" button to proceed.
To use any of the language packs below, select the desired language pack, read over its information, then download the package. Unzip the contents of the package and place in <path-to-game>. Replace files, if prompted. The new language will be preselected for you upon launching the game.
The Arabic language pack...
Replaces the German language option in the game.
Uses a modified font sheet that removes all Japanese characters.
Uses a modified font sheet that may display incorrect characters for other language options in the game.
Unzip contents of download and place in <path-to-game> Replace files, if prompted.
Have you created a language pack for the game that is not already offered on this page? Create a ticket on our GitHub project page and we'll work with you to get it featured here.